Ch.4 Electric Potential

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Electric Potential Energy

Recall W=FΔrW=\vec{F}\cdot\Delta\vec{r} and ΔU=W\Delta U=-W
Consider a parallel plate capacitor with a charge inside. Define the coordinates so that s=0s=0 at the negative end and s=ds=d at the positive end, so that the field points in the s-s direction, like the gravitational field.
If a proton inside is moved from sis_i to sfs_f along the electric field, then Welec=FΔrcos0=qE(sisf)W_\text{elec}=F\Delta r\cos0^\circ=qE(s_i-s_f). Thus, the electric potential energy changes by
ΔUelec=Welec=qEsfqEsi\Delta U_\text{elec}=-W_\text{elec}=qEs_f-qEs_i
Note: electric field force is an internal force, so U=WU=-W

In general, the electric potential energy of a charge in a parallel-plate capacitor is
where ss is measured from the negative plate

Potential energy of a two-point charge (or two charged sphere) system

With negatively charged particles, U<0U<0

The turning point is where U=EmechU=E_\text{mech}
If Emech=0E_\text{mech}=0, oppositely-charged particles can reach infinite separation at infinitesimally slow speeds

Note that internal work causes negative change in potential energy, but external work causes changes in total system mechanical energy

electric force is a conservative force; i.e. work done is independent on the path taken

total potential energy of multiple particles is sum over all pairs

Potential Energy of a Dipole

We have dW=τdϕdW=\tau d\phi and τ=pEsinϕ\tau=-pE\sin\phi, so total work is
W=ϕiϕfdW=ϕiϕfτdϕ=ϕiϕfpEsinϕdϕ=pEcosϕfpEcosϕiW=\int_{\phi_i}^{\phi_f} dW=\int_{\phi_i}^{\phi_f}\tau d\phi=\int_{\phi_i}^{\phi_f}-pE\sin\phi d\phi=pE\cos\phi_f-pE\cos\phi_i
Thus ΔUelec=Welec=pEcosϕipEcosϕf\Delta U_\text{elec}=-W_\text{elec}=pE\cos\phi_i-pE\cos\phi_f, which yields

Electric Potential

We define the electric potential or just "potential" VV as
V=Uq with sourcesqV=\frac{U_{q\text{ with sources}}}{q} Thus
The unit is Joules per Coulomb, or the volt

In an electric potential VV, if a positive charge moves from a region of lower to higher potential, the potential energy must increase, therefore the velocity must decrease. Common, this is the potential difference, or voltage; thus particle decreases velocity as it moves through a positive potential difference

Parallel-Plate Capacitor

From U=qEsU=qEs, we have Vcap=EsV_\text{cap}=Es, where ss is the distance from the negative plate (increases closer to positive)
Assign V=0V_-=0 and V+=EdV_+=Ed (dd is distance between plates), and we have the potential differenceΔVC=Ed0=EdE=ΔVCd\Delta V_C=Ed-0=Ed\implies E=\frac{\Delta V_C}{d}
Thus, we can say Vcap=sdΔVCV_\text{cap}=\frac{s}{d}\Delta V_C, showing the potential increases linearly with distance from the negative plate.

Graphical Representations of Capacitor Potential

Electric Potential of a Point Charge

outside a sphere of charge QQ and radius RR, the potential is the same as that of a point charge at the center
On the surface, the voltage V0V_0 has r=Rr=R and is "charged to a potential of V0V_0
Thus, Q=4πϵ0V0RQ=4\pi\epsilon_0V_0R, making the potential outside the sphere

Multiple Charges

total potential is the sum of potentials due to each charge
integrating with a continuous charge distribution is easier because no need to account for components